
How To Upload Youtube Video To Ig Camera Roll

And then yous've made an awesome video for your make and posted it on YouTube—but it'southward not getting the traction you hoped for. That's okay—and here'due south why.

Repurposing content across different channels affords your content greater reach and expands its shelf life. Posting your YouTube video on your Instagram feed or Story is but i way to do this.

If yous're wondering how to mail a YouTube video on Instagram using optimal dimensions and ensure that it captures your audience'south attention, you're in the right place.

Why post YouTube videos to Instagram?

First, why would yous fifty-fifty want to practice this? Doesn't it seem kind of redundant to post the aforementioned piece of content on multiple social media platforms?

Non at all. Repurposing content y'all've invested time, resources, and coin into tin can help it accomplish a much wider audience.

Whether you lot publish the video as is or intermission information technology up into smaller, bite-sized pieces,  "cross-channel promotion" helps increase your content's lifespan and makes information technology work harder for your business.

Even so, there are several other reasons you might want to consider repurposing:

  • To increment subscribers: Tease a longer video on YouTube and send your Instagram followers to your YouTube aqueduct. This is too a bully way to cross-promote your YouTube channel and boost your subscriber base.
  • Delight your viewers: Share a highlight reel from your YouTube video to create a piece of micro-content that your Instagram followers will love.
  • Build curiosity: Create a compilation of older YouTube videos to share on Instagram and let followers know what kinds of content you publish on your YouTube channel.

Now that you know why you might want to share videos from your YouTube channel, nosotros'll walk you through a quick tutorial showing how to do it.

How to postal service YouTube videos to Instagram every bit a video postal service

One manner to postal service YouTube videos to your Instagram is by uploading it as a video postal service on your feed. It'southward a pretty straightforward process that just takes a few steps.

ane. Download the video from YouTube

If you don't have the video file handy on your computer, you can easily download information technology from YouTube using a 3rd-party app or website. Y'all can't download YouTube videos directly from the app itself, but there are a number of free downloaders available.

Do a search online for a YouTube downloader or cheque the app store if y'all're on your telephone. Once yous find 1, grab the YouTube video URL for the video you're looking to download and paste it into the site or app.

From hither, yous can save your video of option to your computer's downloads folder or your smartphone'due south camera roll and set it for uploading to Instagram.

2. Brand any necessary edits to your Instagram video

You'll need a video editor if yous program to brand edits to the video or grab smaller clips to use as a teaser on your Instagram account.

You lot may also want to adjust the dimensions of your video: On Instagram, it's best to upload a square video or a video with a ane.91:1 attribute ratio. Exact dimensions are 1080x1080px or 1080x608px.

Proceed in heed that your Instagram videos can only exist up to a minute long, so you may take some cropping to practise to keep that video length down.

Once you're satisfied with your new piece of video content, save information technology to your computer. The best video format is an MP4.

3. Upload your video to Instagram

Now it's time to open up the Instagram app. Users can now upload Instagram photos and videos via their smartphones or the desktop app, or you can merely drag and drib your video into your social media scheduler.

The upload procedure is very like whether y'all're on desktop or mobile. Start past clicking or tapping the plus icon in the elevation right corner of the app.

From here, you lot can select your video and start the uploading process.

uploading video to instagram step 1

If yous didn't adjust the attribute ratio during editing, you'll need to crop your video. Luckily, you can easily choose your video size hither: Original, i:i, sixteen:nine, or 9:16.

 uploading video to instagram step 2

Select a cover photograph or upload one from your computer, trim any extra off the commencement or end of your video, and decide whether to upload the video audio.

uploading video to instagram step 3

Finally, it'south time to create your explanation. If you lot're just sharing a short clip of a long video on your aqueduct, let viewers know where they can find the rest by calculation the YouTube link into your bio link or sharing your YouTube username.

Add hashtags, tag anyone in the video, add together your location if you wish, and, if in that location's audio in your video, be sure to turn on captions for accessibility.

uploading video to instagram step 4

Once y'all're done, click the share push button and watch as your audience views and interacts with your video!

How to mail YouTube videos to a Story

Y'all know how to plow your YouTube video into an Instagram post, but what if yous desire to upload a video to your Instagram Story?

Easy peasy. Nosotros'll walk yous through our step-by-step—but proceed in mind that many of the steps are the same as sharing an Instagram mail service.

i. Download your YouTube video

Once again, grab the YouTube video link and paste it into a video downloader. Or, if you already have the video file on your computer, just employ that.

Because Instagram Stories are express to 15-second videos (although you lot tin have longer videos that span multiple Stories), posting a video in a Story every bit a teaser for YouTube content is a much better strategy than sharing a longer video.

Some other selection is to merely create a nine:16 Instagram Story graphic that teases your video and includes a link sticker correct inside your Story. (More than on this in a second.)

two. Resize your video for Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are vertical videos or images the same size as TikTok content or Instagram Reels: 1080x1920px or 9:16 aspect ratio. This means that unless you lot captured your video in portrait orientation on your phone, yous'll likely demand to edit videos to conform the sizing before they're Story-ready.

3. Upload your Instagram Story

While Instagram posts can be published using the desktop app, you'll even so need an iPhone or Android phone to publish Instagram Stories.

In one case you're in the app, click the plus icon and tap "Story," or simply swipe right to open the Story screen.

uploading video to instagram story step 1

From here, you'll swipe upwardly to admission your camera curl and upload your video teaser or Instagram story graphic.

Then tap the Stickers icon and click "Link" to add a more direct mode of leading viewers to your YouTube video.

uploading video to instagram story step 2

Paste in your YouTube link, and share it to your Stories!

At present that you lot know everything you demand to know about cross-promoting your YouTube content on your Instagram channel, we can't await to encounter how you apply this strategy in your marketing. Start editing and repurposing your videos to increase views and subscribers today.

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