
The Cloud, Day 3: Choosing an Online Productivity Suite

30 Days With the Cloud
30 Days With the Cloud: Day 3

I'm a writer. It makes sense, then, that determination a cloud-based instrument to substitute for my trusty Microsoft Good Book is priority one on this "30 Days With the Mottle" journey. A word processing system is rarely an island unto itself, though, so choosing one means selecting a complete productivity suite, including word processing system, spreadsheet, and display tools.

There are a bi of possible options, merely I am going to narrow my concentrate to three: Microsoft Office Web apps, Google Docs, and Zoho Docs. I'd prefer to use free tools and services where possible, so I am only going to look at the free options rather than the subscription services like Office 365 Oregon Google Apps.

I have dabbled in the online tools from Microsoft and Google in the past, and I did a review a while back involving Zoho, so I am somewhat familiar with all trine. Merely, there bear been some tweaks and changes since then, indeed over the course of the next fewer days I will check each out in more detail, keeping the following criteria in mind:

User User interface

The interface should atomic number 4 operative. Working with Web browsers and Entanglement protocols is different than delivering a user experience via locally-installed software, and I will constitute comparing how all of these productiveness suites matches up.

Information technology will help if things are where I am used to them being in Microsoft Holy Writ–so that probably gives Office Web Apps an reward out of the logic gate. Merely, information technology is not a deal-breaker as long as the controls look intuitive enough.

File Reposition

There are two things to consider when it comes to file entrepot…maybe three. First, how much storage space is provided gratis, and how much will additional space cost if necessity? Second, can the files Be accessed from any gimmick or platform? And, third, how secure and reliable is the information storage?


I need to count the obnubilate productivity suites and choose the best one for me.

Although there are alternatives to Microsoft Office–both cloud over-based and locally-installed software, it is still a Microsoft Office world. The value of a productivity suite is largely a operate of how well it can produce, open, edit, and otherwise work with files in Microsoft Business office formats.

Sharing and Collaboration

Same of the benefits of cloud-based productivity suites is that many disparate users around the world rear be logged into the comparable document concurrently, and teams of people can share files and join forces right away. Whatsoever are better than others, though, and being able to collaborate is only useful if those you want to cooperate with are using the similar servicing, or are at least willing to log into the servicing you choose.


Most of the time, I will be victimization my chosen Web-settled tools and services from the comfort of my main office. But, one of the factors that I testament be considering in selecting a cloud productiveness rooms is how well it works with my iPhone, iPad, and Motorola Xoom tablet.

That should sum things up nicely. Starting with Day 4 I will take a looking at Microsoft Part Web apps, Google Docs, and Zoho Docs, viewing them through this lens and measuring them against these criteria.

Learn the Live on "30 Days" serial: 30 Days With Windows Ring 7

Day 2: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Cloud

Day 4: Checking Out Google Docs


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