
How To Create A Udemy Course

Indeed, you're not the only one who wants to know how to create a Udemy course!

Selling courses has proven to be one of the most popular ways of making passive income online, and among the slew of online course platforms available today, Udemy stands as the largest e-learning marketplace, with over 50 million students and 57,000 tutors.

This spells a whole lot of opportunities, revenue-wise, and explains why the platform continues to record new interests from wannabe online tutors all over the world.

Most course creators join Udemy—or any platform for that matter—because of the juicy idea of getting financial freedom while making positive impacts.

So, if you want to know how to create a Udemy course, you're at the right place.

This guide contains the necessary steps, along with pro tips from high-earning Udemy course creators.

Along with steps and valuable tips, we will also include the necessary tools and resources you'll need, so you will start creating courses, giving useful information, and rolling in the dough in no time!

Sounds good? Let's hop into it!

Step-by-step Guide on How to Create a Udemy Course

Step 1: Choosing What your Udemy Course will be About

This may seem like an obvious one to the average person, but according to Jack Pitman, a Udemy Course Creator,a lot of aspiring course creators want to create a course, but they haven't figured out what they want to make a course on.

Indeed, it goes beyond saying, "okay, I'll make a course on Python."

According to Louise Croft,you have to match your course idea with the level of demand while paying attention to who you will be competing against in the Udemy marketplace.

You can determine this by using Udemy's Marketplace Insights tool.

udemy market tool
Udemy Marketplace Insights

Here are some points to take note of:

  • You can proceed with a subject you're already a pro in. But if it's saturated, or doesn't have just enough demand, you can check out other well-performing courses using the Marketplace Insights tool. Pick one course that most interests you and get your research up and running. It is crucial to always find one thing you can do better about the course you've chosen. That is essentially what will set you apart.
  • Once you've decided what to teach, identify your target audience, and map out goals you'd want them to achieve through your course. This will be crucial when you start creating your course landing page.
  • Optimize your title using keyword research tools. Keyword research tools basically give you the most used search terms and phrases in your category. For example: If you're teaching Python, you will see search phrases likePython for Beginners, Zero to Hero Python, Learn Python, Python 101,etc. Keyword research tools help you know all these terms so you can decide how to construct your titles for better visibility. Some free tools you can use include Ubersuggest, Google Trends,, etc.

Step 2: Setting Up the Groundwork

This stage has to do with planning and outlining your course. For starters, it is not advisable to make a very lengthy course.Four to six hours  of contentis usually advisable. You would also need to split your course into sections, including introduction and conclusion, for easy consumption. Each section should also have a series of sub-topics.

course length

Your videos should be around 2 to 10 minutes each. However, for more practical videos, feel free to make them longer. Just try to keep things short and sweet. Also, ensure you briefly describe what each section is meant to accomplish and also make descriptions for each lecture. This will give your course a rich, detailed quality.

script for course

Scripting your content is advisable, but if you're more experienced and prefer going off-the-cuff, you might want to just make bullet points for each topic, so you don't miss important details.

visual presets

Decide how you want to visually present your content: Talking head? Slides? Screencast? You decide. Also, you can combine these formats to bring some variety to the table.

materials for course

Cool stuff. You should prepare a bunch of resource materials, PDFs, quizzes, exercises, projects, etc., to keep your students engaged and give your course some hands-on feel. Think of what will be the giveaway part of your course – some artifacts your students will keep after the course is over.

create a page

At this point, you should not really stress yourself too much about making a full-fledged course sales page yet. Feel free to just jot down some points you might forget to add on the sales page, but it doesn't have to be completed.Focus more on making the course. Afterward, when you've determined how much value you put in your course, you can use the information to build your sales page. We will talk more about sales pages later.

Here's a template to help you create your Udemy course outline, courtesy of Udemy!

Step 3: Filming your Course

This is where the dirty work begins. By the time you begin to create your Udemy course, you'll realize why filming your lecture is supposed to take you a lot of time. Do not rush it! Udemy usually rejects courses when the video and audio qualities are not up to standard.

First, you need to determine if you will be filming yourself, your screen, or both! This does depend on what course you're teaching. More practical courses will, however, require more of you to show what's going on on your screen.

audio quality

Pay attention to your audio quality. Invest in a good microphone. Film in a quiet place, but don't film in an empty room with echoes. In fact, David Power, a Udemy course creator, films in his car!

lightning equipment

Your lighting should also not be taken for granted. You can film in bright daylight, or you can invest in good lighting equipment. Just make sure there are a few shadows as possible, and your face is clear enough.


For filming, if you have an iPhone, you can shoot great videos with its camera. But, if you can invest in a proper camera, that'd be great. Generally, Udemy prefers a video quality of at least 720p HD. Also, ensure you have a tripod or any makeshift equipment that will aid stability.

screen recording

For recording your screen, you can use screencasting software, such as Camtasia, OBS studio, etc.

screen recording

When filming, try your best to keep it 10/10, but if you get distracted, sneeze, swear, or have your kitten run into the scene, do not cut the recording. Just keep going. The aim is to hit the finish line. By the time you're done with editing, all the unwanted parts will be gone!

You do not need to have a world-class studio and filming equipment to start off. Here are some jaw-dropping hacks from Udemy course creators. You'll be shocked by what they did.

Here's also a free checklist of items you may need to film your Udemy courses.

If you're not sure about the quality of your video, you can always send a test video to Udemy, and a team will give you feedback in a couple of days.

Step 4: Polishing your Course

This is what professionals refer to as post-production. At this stage, you get to edit your videos, cutting off the parts where you sneezed, swore, or mispronounced words. You also get to break the large footage into sections and short lectures, add texts to highlight key points, play around with color effects, blur out sensitive information, add transitions, perform noise reduction, and many more.

You basically take your footage from its raw form to a more refined form!

There are several video editing software capable of doing this. Indeed, several Udemy course creators made use of Windows Movie Maker, but since it was removed by Microsoft, other alternatives have emerged.

If you use a Windows 10 PC, we strongly recommend Animotica, our easy-to-use, magical video editor. With Animotica, you can edit your videos like a pro without having all the deep, sophisticated knowledge of video editing!

Try it for free here.

Download Animotica from Microsoft Store

If you use a Linux system, Lightworks might just work for you. If you use a Mac, iMovie is a popular software for people in your category.

You might also find some useful stuff in the 107 Tools for Vlogging blog.

Step 5: Uploading your videos to Udemy

You can upload your video as soon as you edit each section, or you can just use Udemy's powerful bulk uploader to get everything up at a go. Udemy's bulk uploader is relatively easy to use. You just have to take a little time to understand the environment.

To upload your videos:

  1. Visit Udemy and sign up for a free account.
  2. Once you've signed up and logged in to your profile, click on Teach on Udemy.
  3. Start teaching on Udemy
  4. On the next page, select Become an Instructor.Answer the questions that follow, clickingContinueeach time.
  5. On the next page, hit Create Your Course and fill out the subsequent forms accordingly, answering basic questions about your course.
  6. Share your knowledge on udemy
  7. Just after you've added your title—which can be changed later—you'll be taken to a new page where you can upload your videos. Feel free to jump right toCreate Your Content.
    Create course on Udemy
  8. HitCurriculumto upload section by section, or hit Udemy'sBulk Uploader to upload your videos at once. You can also upload resource materials for each section here.

Feel free to try this step now to see how the environment looks even without having your course ready. It will allow you to get familiarized with the system beforehand.

Step 6: Creating your Course Landing Page

Your landing page is a vital part of your success on Udemy. This is because this is where your potential students get to decide whether your course is worth their time and money or not.

Making your landing page was designed to be easy. It basically comprises:

  • Your Course Title: The title you've chosen for your course. Make it concise, specific, and realistic. For example,Complete Python Training: Go from Newbie to Pro in Python . Here's a guide from Udemy.
  • Your Subtitle: A brief overview of what your course is all about. You may add a maximum of two related keywords, but don't force it. Example:Learn Python like a Professional! Start from the basics and go all the way to creating your own applications and games!
  • Course Description:Here's where you get more detailed about your course. Tell your potential students what your course is about, what level of skill they need to be a part of the course. Any bonuses? What sort of projects did you include? How long is the course? How many lectures are contained inside?

    You can also list some of the most exciting topics covered within your lectures using bullet points. Also, be sure to list out the benefits each student will get from taking your course. Feel free to get inspiration from your competitors' course landing page, but don't plagiarize! Be sure to highlight key points you want your potential students to notice.

  • Course Image:This is simply your course's thumbnail. It's the image that will draw prospective students to clicking on your course. That said, it has to be really attractive and 'clicky.' The good thing is, if you don't know how to design a thumbnail, you can simply let Udemy do that for you by sending a request. If you are making your own course image, make sure you're not violating copyrights. Here's a helpful guide from Udemy.
  • Preview Video: This is where you give your potential students an insight into what to expect from your course. You can make a separate video for this purpose, use your course intro video, or just turn on a free preview for any lecture you feel is interesting. Remember to keep your previews short and sweet—2 to 4 minutes.
  • Instructor Profile:Here's your chance to sell yourself. Tell your students about yourself and how experienced you are. You can go a little motivational by capturing memories of you struggling with the skill your teaching and finally finding what works! Include some fun facts about yourself, just to show you're not boring.

You may also link to your social media handles.

Step 7: Submit for Review

Once you're done with all these steps. Go over them to be sure nothing is left out. Afterward, hitSubmit f or Review. Once you submit your course, Udemy's team will review the submission and either approve it or tell you what needs to be improved!

Step 8: Promotion!

When your course gets approved, you will be exposed to millions of eager students scouring Udemy's marketplace. However, if you'd like to get an edge, it would make sense to push your course as well.

Paid promotion

Some people go as far as running Facebook Ads, which costs money. If you have an email list or a YouTube following, you can leverage this for free traffic.

Free promotion

According to Louise Croft, another way of getting free traffic is by visiting relevant Facebook groups and offering to give the course free of charge to a small number of people. You will get interest from some people who will give you their emails. Once your course gets approved, you can send it out to a select few immediately. It is important to ensure that only a small number of people get this for free, and this group of persons will agree to actually go through the course, give you some direct feedback and also drop an honest review.

Don't neglect the most loyal network you already have – distribute your course among your friends and family and ask them to give you their honest opinion so you can make some changes before going big.

That way, if you did a great job, you will get some five-star reviews, which will help boost your analytics and make Udemy push you to the front lines.

Making a Udemy Course by Louise Croft

Pro Tips for Udemy Creators!

If you're a newbie to the world of course creation, there are mistakes you're likely to make, this section helps you avoid some of them. Also, you'll get insight into a few things you can do to have a better experience.

That said, here are some tips from the pros:

  • Udemy actually recognizes several file formats—.mp4, .flv, .wmv, .mov, etc.—but if you want to have a hassle-free experience on Udemy, use .mp4 videos.
  • If you're combining videos and slides, your slides should be in .pdf format.
  • Do NOT give out your courses for free. You can do so for a select few in the opening stages of your courses, as long as you follow them up to make sure they actually complete the course and leave you reviews. Other than that, giving your courses for free will definitely result in massive sign-ups, but your engagement will be low because a lot of people just like to pile up free courses. Worse, some of them may leave bad reviews after casually going through a couple of lectures and not understanding anything. This will ultimately sink your Analytics, turning your course into a failure. You're better off selling it at a low price.
  • Do not abandon your course once it gets launched. Keep updating it to maintain relevance. That said, keep your eyes on the big competitors.
  • If you want to make as much money as possible, do not leave all the marketing to Udemy. Promote your course so you can get a better revenue share. For example, if you get students to sign up on your course, you will get up to 97% of the revenue. However, if a student signs up on your course from Udemy marketplace organically, you get 50% of the revenue. Here's more about Udemy's revenue-sharing model.


How Much Does it Cost to Create a Udemy Course?

It costs you NOTHING to create a course on Udemy. However, if you take into account the cost of equipment, the budget might vary. Here's a free checklist of items you may need to buy. Here's also a hack you can use to save costs.

How Long does it take to Create a Udemy Course?

It depends on the size of your content. Some courses take up to 20 days to complete. Some take more, and some even take less!

How Much Can You Make on Udemy?

There is practically no limit. Depending on the size of your audience base and the amount of promotion you put in, you can earn anywhere from $2,000 a month to over $10,000 a month!

Here's Jack Pitman's explanation on how he made $2,000 in his first 90 days as a Udemy course creator.

Making a Udemy Course

Final Words

Creating courses on Udemy does take some time and energy, but if you follow the steps we've discussed, you'll be able to get an excellent course up and running.

We hope that our guide on how to create udemy a course will be helpful to you as you begin your journey as a Udemy instructor.

Don't forget to try Animotica, our superb, easy-to-use video editor anytime you get tostep 3.

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